Tools and techniques to reduce the impact of the tech you are responsible for Set Your Impact (Online) - Jun 2020

Did you know that the internet is thought to produce about the same carbon emissions as the aviation industry’s fuel consumption? And if the internet was a country it would be the sixth biggest polluter in the world. Shocking isn’t? Tech provides wonderful opportunities to find ways to reduce our carbon emissions, but in itself has a significant environmental cost, which most of us aren’t conscious of. In this talk we’ll discuss why & how tech and building websites has an environmental impact. We’ll look at tools and techniques you can use to lessen your impact, whether you are responsible as a developer, designer or content creator. And of course, not only do these tools and techniques help your green credentials, they nearly always result in better performance and better user experiences too.


  • Hannah Smith
    Hannah Smith

    Freelance WordPress developer and speaker. Co-org for @GreenTech_SWest meetup & volunteer with @climateActTech .

Interested in speaking?

We’re always looking for speakers, so do drop us a line, regardless of your experience, we’re all about first time speakers.

If you’re looking for ideas, a few of the topics we’re keen to hear about are:

  • Debugging & profiling
  • Frameworks
  • Lightning talks
  • Support tools (e.g. phplint, boris, phpsh)