Tests Make Good Architects Architecture - Jun 2019

This talk takes a look at the positive impacts that automated tests can have on architecture. Unit testing in PHPUnit or PhpSpec, as well as behavioural testing using tools like Behat, have a noticeable effect on software architecture. Tested (or testable) code is often easier to work with, cleaner, and has architectural advantages. We will take a look at some of the impacts that a good test suite can have on your application’s architecture, and how to let your tests be your architect.


Interested in speaking?

We’re always looking for speakers, so do drop us a line, regardless of your experience, we’re all about first time speakers.

If you’re looking for ideas, a few of the topics we’re keen to hear about are:

  • Debugging & profiling
  • Frameworks
  • Lightning talks
  • Support tools (e.g. phplint, boris, phpsh)