Go Faster with Ansible New Year Coding Resolutions - Jan 2017

Deploy PHP apps faster in 2017. This talk focuses on how PHP developers can use simple Ansible scripts to rapidly configure new dev and production servers from scratch, and deploy their apps. No more "snowflake servers"! -An introduction to the Symfony Console ComponentMike Lovely, developer at SimpleWeb Automate a task by creating a simple command for it. An introduction to the Symfony Console Component and how it could save you time.


Interested in speaking?

We’re always looking for speakers, so do drop us a line, regardless of your experience, we’re all about first time speakers.

If you’re looking for ideas, a few of the topics we’re keen to hear about are:

  • Debugging & profiling
  • Frameworks
  • Lightning talks
  • Support tools (e.g. phplint, boris, phpsh)